India has come a long way, in facet long long way after independence. We as a nation were more of the adapting side and now objectively are selling creativity to the world at speed of light. We have been a business center from almost 60+ years.
Patriotism is, and was the reason for Independent Indians existence, but when the same format is applied today its not taken as it was. Now, when we show our loyalty towards the country’ we are subjected to being section specific and all the moves are called selfish. Is the thinking changing or we have commercialized patriotism or is patriotism facing the side effects of democracy or we lost the definition of patriotism and following the manipulated one.
A patriot was a revolt-er, an agitator and against violence but, Now we are well aware of the implications of doing so, no doubt the ways are different and changing like version of products.The loyal patriot now is only 1 “The politician” and you know? who and how he is. Rest have to support him and feed democracy, people who are close to him are _ _ _ _ _ _ and rest are closed.